Thursday, September 10, 2009

August...Joy & Sorrow

August began with our annual trek to Spirit West Coast in Monterey, CA. This is a 4 day music festival where we represent Teen Missions. It was fun this year as both kids were able to entertain themselves & we had special help from a gal in Mariposa who came over to help us.

Abby Draws Crowds to our Booth

From Summer '09

Ryan works hard
From Summer '09

After our long weekend in Monterey we took a little break to hang around the house before we headed up to Portland for our annual camping trip at Ft. Stevens. We were blessed this year to have Ryan's parents & a niece & nephew join us. It was great fun & the weather was georgous!

Micah moved up to a 2 wheel bike (with the assitance of training wheels)
From Summer '09

From Summer '09

Cooper was able to ride Micah's old bike
From Summer '09

From Summer '09

Micah didn't want me to wash off his superhero mask
From Summer '09

Finally, it was sorry that brought us back to the NW at the end of the month. Ryan's cousin's young son passed away after a long fight with a terminal skin disease. It was bitter sweet to gather together with friends & family to celebrate this young life & the joy his must be experiencing now with the Lord. The day after the funeral we took 17 family members to Cannon Beach to show them the Oregon Coast.
From Summer '09

From Summer '09

From Summer '09
From Summer '09

Abby has now found her new favorite food...thanks to Ryan's cousins
From Summer '09

17,000 - What is Teen Missions… and why us?

17,000 is a nice round number don’t you think? What could you do with say $17,000? You could probably buy a decent car, roof a house, pay for a year or two of college, finally do that kitchen remodel you’ve wanted, or go on that around the world cruise that you and your spouse have always dreamed about but never thought you could afford. Or maybe you could do something a bit more altruistic, and put the money towards something good like supporting your local union gospel mission or homeless shelter, supporting that missionary who keeps on sending you monthly letters requesting your help, or donating it to the church building fund and get some room (please don’t let it be the bathroom!) dedicated in your name. Suppose you didn’t have $17,000 but rather you had 17,000 lbs of some precious metal like gold or even silver! Imagine how much your net worth would go up then! Just the tithe off of that would put any church in the black for the next hundred years or so! Just imagine what you could do with that!

Suppose you had 17,000 people at your disposal who would do whatever you like whenever you liked it? With those kind of resources you practically could accomplish just about anything you set your mind to. With that many people to draw from surely you could find someone good at business who could take a few hundred people and build the next great investment company to be listed on the Fortune 500. You could probably also find a few engineers and computer guys and try to usurp Micro-Soft as the top supplier of computer software to the world. With that many people at your finger tips you could accomplish all kinds of humanitarian aid to all kinds of nations all over the world. Just imagine the possibilities! Even better, what do you think God could do with 17,000 people? No doubt anything our imaginations could cook up on this blog would pale in comparison to what God would do with them!

So why am I fascinated with the number 17,000? Because each and every year for quite a few years now this is the number of people who come to a saving belief in Jesus Christ as a direct result of the various ministries of Teen Missions. The first time people hear this number they are often staggered by the amount while I am not. However, after explaining to them the vast array of ministries that TMI participates in I often begin to see the recognition on their faces. Let me explain.

The North American based Boot Camp in Merritt Island, FL, where currently some 500-700 people are sent out each year on short term mission trips is just one aspect of our ministry. Most people don’t realize that the “I” in TMI stands for “International.” There are TMI bases scattered around the world from the central American bases in Honduras and Belize, Asian bases in India, Cambodia, Mongolia, Indonesia, and the Philippines to list a few, a base on the East Coast of Australia, and bases literally scattered across both the continents of South America and Africa. When you begin to add it up there are over 30 TMI “Boot Camp” bases around the world and it doesn’t take long to crunch the numbers and understand why over the last 40-years of ministry over 40,000 teenagers have been through the North American Boot Camp, over 300,000 teenagers have been through the various international Boot Camps, and literally hundreds of thousands of people have been led to the Lord as a direct result of the Holy Spirit working through the lives of those involved in the ministries of Teen Missions.

But TMI is so much more than Boot Camps! Back in the earlier formulations of Teen Missions the director had a burden to provide a solid bible school education for free to each and every teen who had come on a mission trip with TMI. So, through faith and whole lot of prayer, and support of many local pastors TMI bases around the world began to open “Bible, Missionary, and Work Training Centers” to those who had completed a summer mission trip with TMI. Did I fail to mention earlier that with exception to the North American and Australian based boot camps it doesn’t cost a single dime to any national who participates in the our summer mission programs? So yes in almost every country that TMI works the mission trips are free and a free bible school education is also available. Sound too good to be true? Well keep on reading.

As many of you may or may not know TMI specializes in short term mission trips that support existing mission organizations around the world. So suppose a Wycliffe Translator needs a church built for the people that are being won to the Lord as a result of having a translation of the Bible in their language for the first time. They call TMI, and TMI begins to send teams out to build the church, hospital, or school that is needed. Suppose you work with YWAM or OM doing street evangelism and you would like to teach others how to do the same? TMI will send a team of youth to be mentored. Suppose you just need someone to help teach English in China, rebuild a church in Cuba, help maintain a church camp in Greece, clear out a landing strip for supply planes in the jungles of Brazil, Papua New Guinea, or the Australian Outback, change diapers of the orphans in Romania, Thailand, or Brazil, or give an orphan whose parents died of the AIDS virus their first pare of shoes in Sub-Saharan Africa. All of these and so much more are things that TMI has done and will continue to do for as long as they are in existence. But don’t stop reading yet.

Back in the 80’s when the world was first beginning to become aware of the implications associated with the AIDS/HIV viruses people began to realize that an unintended consequence of these viruses was the literally millions of orphans that were being left behind in Sub-Saharan Africa. People tried building orphanages, but the reality was that they could build over 100 orphanages a day for the next 10 years and still only have enough housing for less than 10% of the orphans that were being created as a result of these deadly viruses. In addition to this the African mindset proved to be very different than the Western one. Where in western civilization orphans frequently have needed to be sheltered in Africa it is customary to take in the orphan of a relative but not without exacting some kind of payment in return. As a result many of the orphans in Africa while they do have a “roof” over their head are forced into indentured servitude and in many cases “sold” or used for something far worse. Instead of taking a traditional approach to this problem TMI thought outside the box and started literally taking the orphanage to the orphans by starting what they called the AIDS – Orphans Rescue Unit program. The rescue units are portable shelters than can be set up almost anywhere out of which two missionaries can live and provide aid to all the orphans in a given area. The missionaries can conduct school for the kids, provide and teach basic hygiene and first aid, teach them how to garden and grow their own crops, and in many cases help provide a means by which the orphans now take care of themselves. As a result of this ministry TMI has been able to work with tens of thousands of orphans and witness significant life changes in an environment where death is an all too frequent reality.

All this because in 1970 a 17-year girl complained to her dad that she wanted to go on a mission trip but no organization out there would let her go. All this because that dad in return thought something should be done to address this issue and in his garage he founded Teen Missions. Yes, some 40 years later this is Teen Missions! And yes if today we continue to channel the energy of this generations youth in the right direction we can truly raise the next generation of missionaries who can go out and quite literally rock the world for Jesus! You could say that Erin and I have 17,000 reasons why we’ve chosen to join staff with Teen Missions. My question for you is simply this, is 17,000 really enough, or is it just a nice round number? summer nights!

July began with us celebrating our 10th wedding anniversery in Florida. We were excited to be able to use airline milage points & hotel bonus points to travel to FL very inexpensively! We had the opportunity to stay at a beautiful hotel on the ocean & traveled into the Teen Missions Boot Camp daily, although sleeping in air conditioning was wonderful! Abby wasn't too sure what she thought about the humidity. She had a frown on her face most of the time & would rarely smile at people unless she was inside in the airconditioning.

From Summer '09

Abby puts her toes in the Atlantic for the first time

From Summer '09

Abby & Daddy in the pool at our hotel

Kids @ Teen Missions
From Summer '09

From Summer '09

From Summer '09

From Summer '09

From Summer '09

the view from our hotel

From Summer '09

one of the few photos of Abby smiling while she was outside at TMI

We concluded our time in Florida by celebrating our anniversary at a very nice resturant near Disney World. We enjoyed the "royal treatment" by having personalized "Happy Anniversary" menues, special aknowldegement from the wait staff & a special dessert celebrating the occation. It was amazing!

From Summer '09

10 years later :-)

From Summer '09

Our yummy dessert!

After Florida we returned to CA to have Ryan's niece & a German exchange student come visit us for a week. We took them to San Francisco & Yosemite. It was fun to show them around our little neck of the woods.

Finally at the end of the month the kids & I traveled up to Washington to attend Family camp at Lake Retreat with my family. It was very relaxing to sit by the lake & watch the kids play. Micah LOVES camp & was exausted at the end of every day!

From Summer '09

From Summer '09

What are we doing any ways?

Recently I was asked by my Pastor what exactly does TMI do? Of course he understood Teen Mission’s basic North American program that involves getting teenagers onto the mission field and using that experience to deepen both their understanding and relationship with the every-loving God of the universe. My Pastor was familiar with this aspect of Teen Missions if nothing else because his own daughter had recently gone on a TMI trip! The reality is that what he was really asking was much deeper. What he really wanted to know was: 1) Why are we, the Fast Family, involved with Teen Missions (TMI) and 2) Why should I support your involvement?

It might seem kind of backwards but with your permission I’d like to answer the 2nd question in this blog and save the other one for my next entry. So then:

Why should anyone support the Fast Family as we endeavor to become missionaries with TMI?

The last 10-years have been some of the most exciting and fun-filled years of our lives! From getting married to having kids, from traveling all over the globe to enjoying family bar-b-que’s on the back porch we have treasured each and every moment and experience that the Lord has allowed us to share together. But throughout our marriage we have constantly had a since of urgency and anticipation that there was something more for us. We’ve almost been haunted by a sense that there is more to be experienced than simply what we were experiencing in the here and now. It was like we were destined for something bigger constantly casting around for the vision that God had for our lives.

I’d love to say that we had some big revelation where God appeared to us in a vision, or some hand appeared out of the sky writing our destiny on the wall. But that’s just not how it has happened. Rather over the course of the last ten years the Lord has carefully shaped and molded our hearts and minds around the vision He has for us. Through the careful prodding of the Holy Spirit we have followed the path that He has laid out for us, carefully assess the skills, talents, passions, and abilities that He has given us and it has led us to join staff with Teen Missions.

EVERYTHING MAKES SINCE. As far back as I can remember I’ve tended to approach life with the acknowledgment that I really don’t have any control over anything, and to assume such would in fact reflect a fairly low view of God on my part. This has often led me into adventures and happenings that most people would tend to shy away from, in short if it didn’t look just a little bit on the crazy side I probably wouldn’t do it! While I still approach life very much from this standpoint it is kind of weird to find myself walking into a stage in life where it seems like all the ducks are lining up in a row and it all just appears to be making since. While there are still some hurdles to be overcome to say that God is paving the way for us into ministry with TMI is probably one of the most authentic statements of belief I have experienced in my life to date.

So then why should you support us? Let me be the first to say that you shouldn’t… at least you shouldn’t if you haven’t first prayed about it and asked the Lord for direction. I believe that God has placed us in a unique place where we are not to be dependant upon man but upon God himself! If we, the Fast Family, were to look to man for our support instead of to God we have our focus off of the prize and will get sucked into the pursuits and longings of this world. Rather we as a family are focused on God, and if you share with us in this pursuit, then please support us in ministry. If you trust us to be about the Lord’s business day in and day out then please support us. If you believe that raising up the next generation of missionaries is something we must be about today, then please support us. If you believe that the youth of America are in desperate need of a Savior, then please join with us as we seek to provide a means of them seeing Christ. If you believe that the body of Christ as a whole should constantly be looking outside itself to bringing new people in a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ then please join us as we pursue this goal.

The list goes on and on but I’m sure you get the picture and this is why I believe people should get involved in our ministry. It’s not simply because God tells the body of Christ as a whole to have a “missional mindset” but rather that we, the Fast Family, are in fact doing it! We are becoming missionaries and would like you to support us in this pursuit. the Fast house

June was a busy month for us (although what month is not busy?!).

Micah celebrated his 4th birthday in Superhero style! We invited Cooper, Ella, Uncle Jon & Aunt Christina to join us at Oak's Park Amusement Park. Micah had a blast riding all the rides & didn't even care that the other kids were not quite as enthusiastic as he was :-)

From Summer '09

From Summer '09

From Summer '09

From Summer 2009

We did promotions at two homeschooling conferences, one in Oregon & one in Washington. I was blessed to have Ryan join me for the one in Oregon & it was great to connect with people from our home state! We even ran into people we knew from college! The conference in Washinton was my first time doing a conference by myself with Abby & it went great. She was a great draw to the booth & smiled at almost anyone who would give her attention :-)

Micah had the chance to participate in his first VBS through my parent's church in Portland. The theme was "Paul in Chains" & Micah was disappointed when we went to church the sunday after that that he could not find Paul. He had a great time!

Finally, my youngest brother Isaiah traveled down to California to spend a week with us. This was the first time in 6 yrs that Isaiah had traveled down to see us & we had a blast. We spent time exploring some of the "Gold Country" attratctions in the area. Isaiah enjoyed the new "creatures" he could find in the area.

From Summer '09

From Summer '09

Markoff Diggins Hydrolic Mining area

What does Christ mean when he says…Go?

In the closing moments of the book of Matthew we see Jesus acknowledging the doubting hearts of his disciples and giving them this now famous command, “Go into all the world and make disciples…” To often I find myself guilty of taking advantage of the familiar passages in scripture and not looking deeper, allowing it to penetrate me like that doubled-edged sword that it is intended to be, and never really getting past the surface observations and typical applications to my life. Don’t get me wrong, scripture is infallible and unchanging, but in my humanity I am just as often blind as I am numb to the capacity of the Holy Spirit to take the familiar scripture and apply it to areas in my life that truly need it. But here I am again staring at the familiar and I find myself wrestling with the implications and potential application of it to my life.

Go…the word implies movement, it has a since of both anticipation and urgency associated with it, and it does not leave room for the status quo or stagnation. Simply put it demands an action! Does this manifest itself in different ways for different people? Absolutely! In fact my experience with seeing the fulfillment of the great commission has led me to believe that the very act of fulfilling it is as unique as the individuals to which it was given. Was it given merely to eleven men who happen to be standing on a mountain top in the middle east one sunny day about 2000 years ago? No! It was given to every living breathing person who is attempting to align their nature with the very nature of God through a personal relationship with His Son Jesus Christ! In short its fulfillment takes on the uniqueness found in each one of God’s children.

So then the question becomes who am I and how can God use a wretched sinner such as myself to fulfill this great commission? The reality is I love the mission field, I love to worship God, I love to disciple, and I love the uniqueness of the potential found in youth! Putting these things together in my own life has lead me into worship ministry, it has led me to disciple people both one on one and in small group settings, it has led me to initiate conversations with strangers, it has challenged me to preach His Word, it has allowed me to present the gospel at various youth groups, and ultimately it has led me to commit my life to full time Christian service.

So then who is Erin and how has God used her over the years to fulfill the great commission? Erin loves to travel and she loves God and carries a child-like faith with her wherever she goes. Erin loves to serve people and has a good eye for picking those who have the greatest need right out of the crowd that they are trying to use to mask their true identity. Erin needs security and a place to call home, but loves to venture into the unknown as long as she doesn’t have to go it alone. She is devoted to her family, holds an especially close relationship with her grandma, and has a deep need to be affirmed and built up by the men in her life for whom she has given her deepest respect. Where has this led her? Well, both professionally and on a volunteer basis she has worked with the elderly and disabled helping meet their most basic needs, she has literally helped organize and feed hundreds if not thousands of people over the years, she has traveled with and without me all over the world doing various outreaches with Teen Missions, and everyone who knows her knows that when it comes to either family or church she’s a get-er-done type person if she hasn’t already done it!

Where has this led us, besides straight into the arms of Christ, well straight into full time ministry! I suppose it comes as no shock to many of you but the step out of dependency upon the secular work environment and into full-time faith based ministry still catches me a little off guard. While we are still working in the secular field we can see the light at the end of the tunnel and we know that season in life is drawing to a close. God is going to take the passions, the deepest desires of our hearts, that He has given to us and use them more fully for His kingdom, more dynamically to accomplish His will. Please join us on our knees during this time in our lives will you? Take a moment to simply ask God on our behalf to continue to provide for us on all realms, physically, emotionally, spiritually, and monetarily (to just list a few) as we endeavor to devote all of our time and energy into simple fulfilling that command He gave us from a mountain top so many years ago…Go!

So what are you doing?! Go!


too busy to blog....

So back in July Ryan sent me some posts that he wanted me to add to this blog...and I've been bad! It has not been a top priority & that's my fault. It wasn't until a few weeks ago when two people (thanks mom & Becky!) began to bug me about not posting on here that I felt convicted about not here you go, thoughts & pictures from our life!

Thursday, April 30, 2009

CHEA Conference

From Spring '09

Last weekend we had the opportunity to represent TMI at the CHEA Homeschooling conference in the Bay Area. It was exciting to meet new parents & young people who are intersted in missions. One of the most encouraging things about this conference was meeting parents who's children went on teams last year & head their praise reports about how the summer was for thier kids & how it changed their lives! We continue to pray that the Lord will bring the right people to our booth so we can share with them about TMI's ministry. We brought both of the kids with us this weekend. Micah did great at the booth & many people were impressed with how patient he was (I think it's because he's been doing this type of thing for most of his life). Abby was quite the attention getter! It's amazing to see how many moms she attracts to our booth by just being cute :-)

From Spring '09

After the weekend we decided to take the long way home! We drove north on HWY 101 across the Golden Gate Bridge & then followed HWY 1 north along the coastline to Point Rayes National Seahore. It was absolutly beautiful & amazing that such an area is within 30 min from San Francisco & felt like you were away from it all! I really hope we have another opportunity to explore this area more!
From Spring '09

From Spring '09

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Where is the spring going?

From Spring '09

Can you believe that it's almost May & I have thought about sitting down and writing a bit most of the past month...but I seem to keep getting distracted by the kids (which is a good distraction!).

But we have been pretty busy for the past month. Ryan & I had the opportunity to travel up to Redmond, WA for the NW Ministry Conference. This was an AWESOME time to meet with youth pators, parents & youth themselves to share with them about the opportunities through Teen Missions. Ryan was even given the opportunity to share at two different times about the bennifits of short term missions. He really enjoyed this opportunity. We anticipate that he will probably do more presenting at other upcoming conferences. We were also excited to bring Abby with us to this conference. It was her first conference where she stayed with me through the whole conference & I think she did really well. It wasn't until the last 3 hrs that she told us she was DONE!!

From Spring '09

This is us, with Abby, at the NW Ministry Conference.

On the family life side of things, Ryan is driving to Nevada City, CA today to look for a location for his office. We are probably going to be transfered down there (about 4 1/2 hrs away) in the middle of May. Because of the Stimulus Package there are more Federal construction jobs (actually more jobs than they have empolyees to manage them) so we will be heading out again to a new location. We are actually very excited about this transfer for many reasons. Including, we will be closer to our Church family in Mariposa (only 4 hrs away), much closer to "the big city" of Sacramento (about an hour away) and I will have more opportunities to get involved in activities with Micah (i.e. Swimming, play grounds & preschool). Please pray for us as we head down there as a family on Thursday to look for a residence.

In the relm of future promotions activities our whole family is headed to the Bay Area for the California Christian Home Educators' conference. This is my 3rd year in attendance & we often have a great turnout from families interested in getting involved in short term missions.

here's some family memories from the last month:

Abby is getting closer & closer to rolling over every day. She already has two teeth, but is not too interested in eating solids :-)
From Spring '09

We had our family's (the Johnson's) Annual Motorcycle trip in Stonyford, CA. Micah had a blast hanging out with his cousins & uncles. It was hard to get him off the bikes!! This is him & his cousin Ella:
From Spring '09

Monday, March 16, 2009

Pics of the kids

From Spring '09

Don't you love being a parent?! Whenever your child does anything think it's extrodenary! Ok, well this isn't "extraordinary" but it was one of Micah's masterpieces. He claim's it is "Louis" from "Meet the Robinsons"
From Drop Box

Can you see the resembelance? :-)

Ok, I am having trouble giving up my other blog & I may just keep two going. But if you want to see pictures of the kids & see how they're doing please check out our other blog -

I have recently posted some fun pictures of the kids & our trip to FL.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

February Update I'm trying to get Ryan his own account so he can update the blog himself, but at times the cyber world confuses me. So until the fog clears...I become the messanger...I hope you enjoy - Erin

I’ve gotten some positive feed back from my last posting so I thought I might add another. So here goes round two of postings from the dark side...

Recent travel took us to Florida to take some much needed R&R after a very busy season in our lives (Abby being added to the family and all of the various promotional activities and travel associated with the publishing of this year’s TMI brochure). After a week of vacation and checking in with family that live in the area we found ourselves out in Merritt Island, FL the home and headquarters of Teen Missions (TMI). Working and performing promotional activities for TMI on the West Coast over the past 5 years has been very exciting. However, being on the opposite side of the continent from the vast majority of TMI staff can often leave us feeling a little disconnected with the ministry which we care so much about. In order to remedy this Erin and I have deliberately taken trips every year to “check-in” with the TMI and give a report on what the Lord is doing.

During this check-in I learned something very valuable. Here’s what I learned: Don’t ever sell God short! We went to Florida hoping to have a time of relaxation and refreshment and giving a quick update on what God was doing on the West Coast; instead God blessed our socks off by taking our limited vision and making it so much broader. In our conversations with the director (Bob Bland) we were hoping to just continue to have his blessing on the promotional activities we have initiated over the past few years and to pursue some alternate ideas we’d come up with. Instead the director not only encouraged us to pursue these activities but wanted us to take them to whole new level. He asked us to look for a place in California where TMI could establish a base of operations where not only promotional and recruitment activities could continue to be expanded but additional TMI activities too! We’d never dreamed this big before!

Please pray for us as we seek to pursue this vision. Pray that in God’s timing we will find the right location where we can establish a base of operations and that God will introduce us to the right people who will support us in this endeavor.

A final thought: I find myself reflecting on what God’s vision looks like and how it is passed on to others. With this in mind I read a familiar passage in the book of Philippians recently and found myself looking at it through a little bit different filter. I’ve always thought when Paul tells us about how big and how wide the love of God is that he was trying to show us that there is truly no way we can ever escape God’s love. However I think it’s not necessarily a matter of trying to avoid the unavoidable; rather its being so consumed by the unavoidable that we can’t help but share it with everyone we come in contact with.

In Him - Ryan

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

thoughts from the dark side...aka, Ryan

Erin has often accused me of being the “writer” in the family. I don’t know if this is really the case, but I do love to communicate and just about any opportunity to do so I rarely pass up. So here goes my first ever “blog posting”…

In a recent phone conversation with my sister (Tamarah a.k.a. TA) we found ourselves on the topic of control. Who really has control? Sure, the Christian world view demands that we believe God is in control, yet so few live like they actually believe this. As TA and I dialogued I found myself saying to my sister that in my reality I simply don’t believe that I can control anything, so in my mind only God controls anything. I’ve learned when I make statements like this God tends to say “Ok…prove it!”

As I’m sure all of you know Erin and I have begun the official process of going into full time missionary service. The fact is we’ve been about this process for many years, but now we find that all the little steps of faith have finally culminated into this last and final step that requires quite possibly the biggest step yet. God has always been very gracious to us, and I’ve never doubted that my God will provide all our needs. Yet in some small way I have taken comfort in the fact that I was bringing home a paycheck that was used to take care of the family that God had given me. Yet when we’re talking about becoming missionaries we’re talking about relying on God and His people to literally put food on the table for my family. I find humility to never be an easy bite to swallow but the fact is the pride I used to take in “bringing home the bacon” is now gone, and once again humility is being experienced in a new way. This process is very overwhelming, but yet I know that God will provide. All the things I’ve taken for granted all of my life, things like food, shelter, healthcare, etc. are no longer things that I control but rather God does. The question I find myself asking is was it ever within my control to begin with?

Please pray for us as we take these steps of faith, and pray that we will continue to trust in God and not in our own understanding.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Mission Connexion

Well this weekend is my favorite missions conference out of the whole year, Mission Connexion. This is where I got my feet wet in doing TMI promotions over 3 yrs ago & I fell in LOVE!!! It is held annually in Portland and various mission organizations from around the US come in to share with people about their ministry. I LOVE having the opportunity to share with young people about the ministry of TMI & how they can get involve.

This year though, I am having to let go of the regins a little bit. This is hard for me, as many of you know, but I am having to leave for Denver on Saturday morning, so I have compiled a group of people to work the booth all day on Saturday. My wonderful mother-in-law, brother and two of his friends will be working the booth on Saturday.

I am praying that the Lord will have his will this weekend & bring those who need to hear about the ministry of Teen Missions to our booth.

check it out: