Monday, September 29, 2008

Seattle or Bust

From Blogger Pictures

This is us a couple years back at Urbana....we'll probably look just as goofy this weekend :-)

Well this weekend we will be heading to Seattle to represent Teen Missions at Mission Fest Seattle. We will have the privilige of being joined by the Teen Missions Area representative for the East Coast. We are looking forward to this time of sharing with people in the Seattle area about TMI & upcoming trips that we will be offering during the 2009 Summer. Please pray for us as we present two seminars to children (ages 7-10) about mission opportunities for them. This is a new age group for us to do a seminar with & we are a little uncertian about how it will be received.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Oxymoron - "Wondering Fast"

Well as our family size gets larger & we stand on the edge of change again, I figured it was time to start a blog for the whole family & not just Micah (sorry little guy). "Fast Wonderings" seems like it has been the theme of our married life. Ryan and I always seem to be going somewhere fast, but not quite knowing where that may be. It seems that we enjoy to "hurry-up & wait." But the truth of the matter is we hope that there has been less "wondering" in our lives and more of seeking God. In seeking Him we seem to have set foot all over the US & around the world. Now as we begin a new step in our lives and take the biggest leap of faith & consider joining Teen Missions full-time we really don't know where this "wondering" is going to take us. We can tell you where we think we will be going, but we really can't tell you where we will be, even a year from now. So we take a blind step out into the world of full-time missions & pray that you will join us as we travel throughout the West Coast (and hopefully the US) promoting the vision of Teen Missions & empowering youth towards full-time ministry.